Our Alu- Mini Classic Panels have 5 standard, different widths of 30 cm - 45 cm - 60cm - 75 cm - 90 cm and 4 standard heights of 120 cm -150 cm - 270 cm - 300 cm. Beside 20 standard, classic panels, we also produce special sized formworks according to needs of our customers. As width and height of our formworks are interchangeable, they can be installed on top of each other so that any desired height can be easily obtained.
By using playwood which is 15 mm and has 11 layers, a smooth concrete surface is obtained.The plywood that we use in our aluminum formworks is filled with special silicone material and aluminum flakes are mounted to tierod holes for long lasting usability.
The Panels that we use at column construction are designed in width of 75cm. There are 14 holes on our Universal Panels with 5 cm interval between each one. This perfect feature gives us the chance to construct columns in various sizes. Universal Universal Panels have 4 different heights; 120 cm -150 cm - 270 cm - 300 cm. Thanks to Universal Panels, it is possible to construct a maximum of 65 x 65 cm. square shaped columns and 55 x 75 cm rectangle shaped columns without tie rods going through the panels.
While there is no need of a crane at the application area, the aluminum panels can also be assembled to each other and be carried with a crane. Thus, our panels give you the chance to set up 100 different sized column formworks economically by using single type column formwork.